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Zachary Alliman was a detective in the 34th Century that often dealt with the most gruesome of cases, many of which involved abusive psionics in areas not yet fully affected by the Psionic_Suppression_Grid. It is also said that he attempted to apprehend Richard Carter in life. His worshipers are often composed of police officers, government officials, and to a lesser extent soldiers.


Zachary Alliman was born in the early 34th Century on La Terre, eventually becoming a detective. Most of his work often required conviction and faith in the law, often when facing resistance from psionists. Midway through the 34th Century he died in the line of duty from excessive psionically induced wounds.


Near the end of the 34th Century Saint Alliman was acknowledged for the first time. During the rebellion of Saint Carter, he is often credited with marshalling a substantial resistance to the rebellion, and having blunted the impact of the later assaults of Saint Carter. After the rebellion, records indicate that he was charged with preventing future rebellions.
