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[[Image:|125px|Image of a Hekayti]]
Scientific Name
Classification Bipedal Caprine
Average Height unknown
Average Weight unknown
Average Lifespan unknown
Native Language Hekayan
Homeworld Hekayt Prime

On average, Hekayti stand from seven to nine-feet-tall. Their skin is mottled green, an evolutionary adaptation that they developed millennia ago to find camouflage from predators in the tropical jungles of their homeworld. They have bony growths, like ram horns, jutting from their skulls. They have hooved feet, and backwards-bending knees. Some Hekayti have hair, but it is a recessive trait. In males, hair is taken as an indication of weakness. In females, hair can be used to denote attractiveness.

Roleplaying Hooks

  • Driven by the desire to be remembered well and honorably by their descendants.
  • Sensitive about the troublemakers in the Verdikke.
  • Distrustful of the Thul.
  • Reliable allies of the B'hiri.

Possible Careers

  • Warrior
  • Counselor
  • Manager
  • Teacher
  • Technician
  • Doctor
  • Bodyguard
  • Mercenary
  • Merchant
  • Pilot

See Hekayt for further information.